Welcome to the University Post-Secondary Pathways Page!


To apply to university you need six grade 12 U or M credits (including the prerequisites for your chosen university program). Open courses and co-op do not count as university prerequisites.

  • Get your PIN? You will need this in order to create your account and apply to univeristy programs! Go to Guidance if you have any questions!
  • Be sure your Guidance counsellor knows about any on-line, correspondence, private or night school courses you are taking.
  • Universities are increasingly reviewing students’ grade 11 marks to gather further information about potential program candidates.
  • Visit Ontario Universities Info to research programs and admission requirements – make sure you aren’t missing any required courses, etc.!
  • Research costs (tuition, residence, books, etc.) and begin applying for scholarships and bursaries
  • Apply on-line through the  website (using UNDERGRAD 101): OUAC
    • Submit payment of $150 for three choices – additional choices are $50 each. All fees are non-refundable. Be aware you are usually limited to 3 programs at one university. Ensure you are also aware of each university’s policy regarding number of allowable programs.
    • You can make changes to program selections up to the application deadline, but be aware you will incur a fee penalty if switching from one university to another.
    • Be aware of ALL APPLICATION DEADLINES; APPLICATIONS are DUE JANUARY 12, 2023 for equal consideration!

2022-Steps for Applying to University through OUAC.doc